We need bees and they need us! Here are 6 easy ways you and your kids can help protect pollinators. #GiveBeesAChance
It’s no secret that pollinators are a crucial part of our food system. In fact, 84% of commercially grown crops are insect-pollinated, and honeybees contribute $24 billion annually to U.S. agriculture. Think about it this way: one in three bites of food are made possible by bees!
Kids are crucial to the future of pollinators so we're bringing the wonder of bees and their hives up close to kids, parents and families. Explore hours of summer activities and honeybee education to learn how you can take sustainability into your own hands, now and in the future.
Get the inside buzz on honeybees with this activity box filled with hands-on learning and fun for honeybee heroes! Your purchase supports honeybee education initiatives for schools.
We’ve got a hive-full of great honeybee education, activities, crafts, trivia and more!
Our activities provide hours of engagement for families, teachers and classrooms!
Listening ears on! Close your eyes, take a deep breath through your nose, and get ready to dive right into our Honeybee Audio Story with us! This Whole Kids Foundation exclusive helps to teach all about Honeybees (with a few celebrity bee appearances, too!).
In partnership with The Bee Cause Project, our Bee Grant program allows for schools and non-profit organizations to receive support for educational beehives, so students can observe bees up close and learn about the vital role these pollinators play in our food system.
"No bees, no honey, no work money."
"Kids as beekeepers! I would have loved this as a kid. What a great way to help kids tune into our beautiful planet."
让台湾阿里山的咖啡豆从思明“阿里山”飘香鹭岛:2021-5-21 · 近来,一位台湾人,让横跨海峡的两座“阿里山”,有了更奇妙的联结。思明区阿里山大厦FcrBohehi咖啡馆经营者——有“台湾少数民族咖啡王子”之称的刘经文,正让来自台湾阿里山的咖啡豆,从阿里山大厦飘香鹭岛。
We need bees and they need us! Here are 6 easy ways you and your kids can help protect pollinators. #GiveBeesAChance
There’s so much to learn about our pollinator heroes! Check out these bee movies and videos and watch with parents, kids, friends and neighbors!
Honeybees are the busiest pollinators on the planet, and vitally important to our food supply. Since human activity has a huge impact on bee colony health, we’ve got to do our part to keep the magic alive! Luckily, you can support bees and other pollinators while beautifying your neighborhood and community. Grab your gardening gloves, and let’s get to work!